Please don’t hesitate to reproduce and circulate this mobilization material and put them on the walls of your university, research centers, FB page or website in support for Fariba Adelkhah

Affiches/Posters 1200 jours/days

- Affiche/posters 1000 jours/days


900 jours/days
– Signature courriel

- Médaillon réseaux sociaux

– Affiche

- Bandeaux site web

- 800 jours/days

- Deux ans déjà

- 700 jours de détention
N’hésitez pas à utiliser ce matériel dans vos emails, sur vos mailing lists, sur les réseaux sociaux ou sur les murs de vos universités.
Vignette site internet

Médaillon réseaux sociaux


- Fariba’s one year of detention
Fariba has now been detained for one year in Iran. Please support her fight for academic freedom and spread the words by using this mobilisation material !
Médaillons/Profile pictures

E-mail signature


Youtube link for this video HERE
- Fariba’s 300 days of detention
Roland Marchal has been released on March 20th, 2020. Fariba Adelkhah is still in Iranian jails. She has now been detained for more than 300 days. Please feel free to circulate these posters in French and English. Help us spread the word !
- Fariba and Roland’s detention – November 2019
Please feel free to print and circulate this material to sensitise about the situation of our friends and colleagues, Fariba Adelkhah and Roland Marchal