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Breaking news ! Roland has been released !

Roland has been released ! Roland a été libéré !

Virtual (Confined) welcome committee HERE !

Many of you express your relief after the liberation of Roland on March 20th, 2020 and your determination to continue the fight for the liberation of Fariba.

Roland arrived in Paris on the 21st and is now back home. You will easily understand that Roland has, above all, a need for rest. His medical tests are good. But he is exhausted from very rough detention and has lost a lot of weight. We can also guess that it is painful for him to have left Fariba behind.

We now have to think about new modes of action that could help Fariba’s liberation without hnidering the efforts conducted by the French authorities, who again demanded the immediate release of Fariba.

Since last June, they have repeatedly insisted that the latter was a French citizen in the eyes of the French Republic. Fariba is extremely relieved to know that Roland is now in Paris. As you know, through her sit-in, she intended to express her fear for his state of health and demand for the end of his imprisonment. But the situation is difficult for her: she had no opportunity to see Roland before his departure for France; not having been judged, she cannot benefit from a provisional release because of coronavirus; and for the same reasons, she can’t expect official”forgiveness” on the occasion of the Iranian New Year.

Let us give the Islamic Republic a few days to take the necessary action about Fariba, thanks to the truce of Nowrouz. And let’s use this short time to define a new approach which takes into account the constraints of confinement to which almost all of Europe is subject.

We know that Roland was kept informed of our mobilization everywhere, in France and abroad, and that he was comforted and moved by it. We express our gratitude to all those who accompanied Fariba and Roland during these ten terrible months, and in particular:

– the French authorities, who obtained the release of one of our two colleagues so far after hard work

– Sciences Po management, which was very present and active in defending its two researchers Fariba and Roland

– the media, which has handled this affair with tact and a sense of responsibility

– the cities of Paris, Metz and Strasbourg and the University of Geneva who honored them in their absence

Unfortunately the struggle continues, and we know we can count on you. We will never thank you enough for your support.

Béatrice and Jean-François for the committee

OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Sandrine Perrot (21 mars 2020). Breaking news ! Roland has been released ! Fariba Adelkhah & Roland Marchal Support Committee. Consulté le 11 février 2025 à l’adresse

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