Press release : The Art of Justifying the Unjustifiable
As expected, the Iranian “judiciary” claims to justify the re-imprisonment of our colleague by her alleged failure to comply with the rules of her house arrest. Her lawyer will offer a point-by-point refutation to these unfounded accusations. For Fariba Adelkhah has basically respected the limitations placed on her freedom of movement, as far as it is possible to comply with a dozen pages of Kafkaesque stipulations, not to mention the regular and known malfunctions of her electronic bracelet and the failure to communicate to the private surveillance company the derogatory authorizations that had been sparingly granted to her, for example to visit the graves of her parents.
Let us also recall that the security services have limited the perimeter of movement of Fariba Adelkhah to 300 meters around her home while the initial decision of the court included a much wider perimeter.
Finally, Fariba Adelkhah was never given a warning in due form, as is customary, regarding her alleged violations of the provisions of her house arrest.
These semantic contortions must not obscure the essential point. The issue is not whether Fariba Adelkhah has, or has not, complied with the provisions of her house arrest. The reality is that the house arrest, the five-year prison sentence, and the arrest itself of Fariba Adelkhah on June 5, 2019, were never grounded in any way, shape, or form, and were all unjust and illegitimate acts.
Fariba Adelkhah is innocent and the Iranian authorities know this. They are cynically using our colleague for political purposes that have nothing to do with her and have nothing to do with the only thing she is accountable for: her anthropological work, which has earned her high distinctions from scientific and academic institutions, both French and from other countries, and the consideration of the international research community.
The assertions of the Iranian “judiciary” are therefore null and void and they will not silence the indignation that arose around the world at the announcement of her re-imprisonment on Wednesday.
The support committee
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Sandrine Perrot (16 janvier 2022). Press release : The Art of Justifying the Unjustifiable. Fariba Adelkhah & Roland Marchal Support Committee. Consulté le 11 février 2025 à l’adresse